Pembuatan jejaring sosial berdasarkan platform QSNE
Creating a social network is a complex, multi-stage process. A significant part should be done by the customer before the development process begins. The birth of an idea, its development, and formalization is a creative process that cannot be described in a nutshell. When an idea is formed, the search for opportunities to implement it begins. This is not too difficult, but here you need to try to avoid mistakes. The main mistake may be the wrong choice of a social network creation platform.
The first offers the user will find on the Internet will be inexpensive SaaS templates that allow you to independently assemble a ready-made website from the function and design. These mass decisions became well-known because of massive advertising spending, but anyway, popular services like WIX deserve appreciation. This is the best way for most users to create a small, low-budget project for a small audience. The capabilities of the templates are severely limited to avoid disruptions in the functioning of the entire platform, so it should not expect that such a project will be able to acquire unique functions in the future. It is also necessary to mention the impossibility to serve medium or large audiences due to the limited allocated resources.
These restrictions may force you to continue searching for platforms. You will be happy to find that numerous web engines can be used without binding to a specific provider. You may be interested in WordPress, which occupies a dominant position on the free CMS market. A huge number of free and paid extensions allow you to create a project of any orientation, and the web studio will make a unique design for it. If there are many advantages, there should be some disadvantages, and they are. The first thing to remember is that any versatile solution requires significant efforts to give it specific functions of social networks. However, what works well for an audience of 10,000 users does not work at all for an audience of 100,000 users, and becomes unsuitable for an audience of 1 million users. This explains well the fact that there is no large project built on these platforms in the world. Another noticeable limitation for their use in large projects is the openness of source code. On the one hand, openness helps a community quickly find and correct vulnerabilities, and on the other hand, gives hackers to imperceptibly use undiscovered vulnerabilities indefinitely.
If the methods described earlier to create social networks are not suitable for you, you need to consider custom development. Most major social media projects are built on available frameworks. For example, well-known Instagram, Mozilla, Disqus, Bitbucket, Nextdoor, and Clubhouse run on the free Django framework. It is important to understand that the framework is not a ready-made constructor, but a frame for linking components. The components themselves are selected from an available set or created by the developers. The use of any framework is justified when you plan to create a real social network and have significant financial resources. One can only assume that the Clubhouse development cost was significant because the app was valued at $100 million just six months after the launch in autumn 2019 under the name Talkshow. In practical terms, the use of frameworks is limited only by the customer's imagination and budget size. A large project budget and a years' leeway will allow you to hire a good development team to create your platform based on the framework.
But what if the budget is limited, and the planned social network is not standard and template, and is also sensitive to security issues? For such a case, the European company X Networks can offer the QSNE (Qwerty Social Network Engine) framework, which is devoid of the technological shortcomings inherent in SaaS templates and web engines. Let's figure out what it is. Don't be embarrassed by the word Engine in the abbreviation. QSNE is a generalized name for its central platform, which includes a powerful infrastructure, computing systems, cloud infrastructure, artificial intelligence, as well as tools for deploying social networks, marketplaces, web portals. The QSNE platform consists of deeply integrated hardware and software distributed across several data centers. The following set of functions has already been implemented on the platform and allows you to create a social network of any subject:
-Built-in support for all world languages and correction tools for translators, automatic detection of the user's language with the possibility of subsequent configuration, translation of user publications and comments, as well as other content into readers' languages;
-Built-in billing system allows you to operate more than a hundred different currencies, virtual and national, calculate cross-rates considering exchange processing centers and rates of different central banks, provides the functionality of the payment system;
-The Qwerty Cloud enables users' access to files. The ability to share files, attach them to publications or other objects is critical because modern social networks and complex portals are powerful content generators;
-Billing and payment control systems integrated with notification services;
-Artificial intelligence Qwerty AI gives many opportunities to automate processes on the website, make a smart ranking of publications, can provide technical support for users;
-News Aggregation from authoritative sources (we determine the list of “authorities” for each project);
-Marketplace functions, sales automation, and logistics, as well as internal transaction arbitrage. There are no obstacles to creating AliExpress or eBay competitors;
-Smart contracts and “safe transactions”, internal arbitration service;
-A powerful internal mail server ensures automation of sending messages and mailing, checks the correctness of e-mail addresses, as well as overflow of mailboxes;
-DDoS and other types of attacks protection systems with automatic notification of providers (by the way, X Networks owns the service that allows testing large websites for load resistance);
-Modules for interaction with SMS and telephone services;
-Account protection system from hacking, permission logging, and two-factor authentication. A security system is the key block of the QSNE platform;
-Ability to manage user and community subscriptions;
-Aggressive data caching (similar to Facebook);
-Flexible privacy settings for users and their publications;
-Powerful multithreaded search engine;
-Creation of communities (open and closed pages, as well as professional and “by subscription&rdquo😉;
-Internal messaging system integrated with the QAIM mobile application, with artificial intelligence capabilities;
-Antivirus checking of published content (more than 20 SDK), intelligent pre-moderation;
-End-to-end tagging of any content and data;
- Shortening links service;
-Protection against bots and parsing (checking user actions);
-SMM tools;
Is the platform suitable for creating high-load networks? The answer is in the results of high-load testing conducted in 2020 and 2021. Given the scalability of the platform, there is no doubt that the platform can withstand a long load with any number of users, as well as big DDoS attacks. You are probably familiar with the situation when a user leaves the website because of too long page loading. This is largely due to the slow processing of queries in the database. To objectively confirm the high speed of access to the platform, X Networks tested on Google PageSpeed Insights. The result was impressive, less than 0.000001 percent of sites on the world Internet work at such a speed.
In a sense, the disadvantage can be considered that the QSNE is not available for purchase under license. But in fact, there are no such publicly available offers on the market because a lot of time and resources are invested in their development and testing. No large social network or marketplace offers its program code as a product, but, on the contrary, protects it from access by third parties. Another deterrent is the complexity of internal QSNE mechanisms, which are well known in X Networks but would require long training of third-party specialists. Transferring source code to third parties may degrade the quality of final product development, so X Networks independently creates all projects, including social networks, and also takes responsibility for their functioning and development.
It may be decisive that developing a serious social network based on the QSNE will cost the customer significantly less than creating its platform on any framework. At the same time, the uniqueness of the final product will not suffer. In addition, the customer saves the most precious resource-the time it will be necessary to accelerate the launch of a new social network onto the market. The time for specialized social networks has already come, you need to find a niche and focus on attracting an audience, and in terms of technologies, the QSNE will provide you with all modern tools.
How is the creation of a social network on the QSNE platform? All process consists of several main stages:
- Discussion of the form of cooperation. At this stage, the customer assigns the X Networks role. The customer can remain the owner of 100% of the project and use X Networks as a developer and IT partner. Another possibility involves signing a joint investment agreement in the project, under which X Networks receives a share in the project. In this case, the project receives many bonus preferences (for example, free infrastructure and free support at the operation stage). It is worth considering the second possibility carefully, as any project in the process of growth will require an increase in the allocated resources, which can dramatically affect its profitability.
- Discussion of the concept, formation of the project in consonance with current world trends and technical capabilities. After agreeing on the concept, both parts sign a contract with the approved final cost. The work starts after the first payment (usually about 15% of the project cost). This stage takes 1-2 weeks.
- Project naming, development and approval of mockups, approval of the project style. Typically, this stage takes 2-4 weeks.
- Development and installation of social media functionality. This stage often consists of 3-5 substages. During this period, functional blocks are gradually launched and jointly tested.
- Preliminary testing of the entire project and discussion of additional wishes. Perhaps, despite the agreed concept, there will be a need to add something new. It may take some time, up to 2 months.
- Test launch and billing integration. Coordination of the list of connected payment systems, verification of the operability of all parts of the project, and approval of dates for the announcement and public start of the project. This stage takes about 1-2 months.
- Launch of a social network. The first goal has been achieved, and now it is necessary to develop a social network.
The total duration of development can be up to 18 months (depending on the complexity of the terms of reference). As for the cost, you can estimate the preliminary development cost using the calculator on the X Networks website, or request them to make an offer.
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