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Project administrator
official account
Registration date: 22 December 2016 at 16:47
Reputation: 74425
Last activity: 23 days ago
Pseudonym: not specified
Name and surname: Maxim Novichkov
Birthdate: 19 October 1975
Gender: male

A few words about me:

The ideologue and co-owner of social networks of the X Networks project!

X Networks - a group of projects that use a single information and functional environment for the creation and development of social networks. Our projects - is a powerful social networks. Our company provides unique services for creating full-scale international social networks, as well as multifunctional Internet portals.

We develop not simple sites, but the most real horizontal scalable social networks, as well as dating sites and high-loaded portals! The company X Networks implements projects based on the Qwerty Social Network Engine - a software and hardware complex for creating social networks.

Based on the Qwerty Social Network Engine, many well-known international projects, social networks, dating sites, as well as specialized portals are implemented. For example, the well-known international blog platform Qwerty.blog (a competitor to LiveJournal), which operates in 47 languages and daily registers hundreds of new bloggers, the first social network for animal owners, veterinarians, breeders and clubs VetWorld.net, a social network for owners websites, international dating services, social business network https://b2bingo.com and many other projects! We have launched dozens of major portals, as well as social networks around the world. In addition, we are developing the Qwerty Neural Network Qwerty AI. Based on our AI, there are many business chats and customer service systems. Also based on Qwerty AI, the Immortal People project is being developed (see presentations). We accept orders and are glad to any cooperation in the field of development and joint launch of social networks, highly loaded portals, payment systems. In our person you will get a reliable business partner! My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/maximnovichkov/

My contact email: ceo@xnetworks.ru
