Your own social network? Let`s discuss!
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In the Alexa ranking, 6 social networks confidently hold positions, which can be called global. This is determined by their share in the world market.
Does this mean that you should not try to create your own social network for business - after all, all the seats are taken? Nothing like this!
The fact is that in any case there is no point in focusing on giants - focus on originality. After all, you will not give up the idea of opening a small shoe store if there are already large shoe enterprises?
The demand for chamber projects has been and remains high.
Modern social networks are created mainly with the aim of attracting traffic and selling advertising space, but in order for advertisers to turn to you, the site must collect a stable pool of loyal audience.
How to build a community of loyal users?
There is no magic - pure marketing.
- Think about the direction. Practice shows that you need to create your social network on the basis of what you understand. But if you understand that a topic can easily become outdated, or there is a lot of competition in the industry as a whole, choose something more stable.
- Uniqueness. As a rule, those projects are triggered that cover the obvious need of the audience - you should think about what could arouse the interest of your users.
- Audience behavioral characteristics. It is very important to "sharpen" your site according to the daily routine, habits, interests and preferences of users. An experienced marketer will tell you all this after drawing up a portrait of the target audience.
- Name and hosting. The name of the social network should reflect the topic - this is very important. Also think over a domain name and choose a provider for the execution of the project, which has its own hosting. This will allow you to build and maintain a high reputation.
- Software. Social networks are not made on the basis of free CMS. This is an axiom. It is simply impossible to create a social network in a children's constructor with a zero security system and the inability to implement the declared functionality. Just forget about this idea.
- Design. This issue must be very closely coordinated with the provider - as a rule, web design requires the participation of diverse specialists under the direction of an art director.
- Realization of the concept and launch is not everything. Your contractor should be in charge of promoting and administering the project.
From all these data, we can conclude that the starting budget for the social network will not be small - even mini-projects require from 3 million rubles.
What is the way out if your own funds for a social network are not enough?
- A venture fund supporting startups.
- Physical investor.
- Your IT provider.
Yes, it happens.
X Networks has brought dozens of global projects to the world market, which have become a full-fledged part of this relatively new segment of the economy.
We have been working in IT since 2001, and during this time we have created several branches in different countries, an international server structure, a full range of software and hardware solutions and web tools.
To create websites and large projects, we use software and hardware complexes Qwerty Social Network Engine and Qwerty Web Engine, on the basis of which multilingual platforms with artificial intelligence and built-in payment systems are launched.
Your social network from Qwerty Networks is:
- Artificial intelligence as a personal assistant, translator, moderator, technical support employee, etc.
- The complete absence of a language barrier for all participants in the social network. Translation into 47 languages of the world is carried out automatically.
- Anti-virus content check.
- Blogs, communities, subscriptions, adding to friends, forums, public and private groups.
- Fast loading of pages using aggressive data caching technology.
- Cloud file storage modeled on Google Drive.
- Smart feed of publications.
- Modern messenger with business chats and artificial intelligence capabilities.
- Aggregation of news from a preset source.
- Built-in SMM toolkit.
- Payment system option with support for virtual and national currencies.
- Multilevel security system.
And many many others!
We create full-fledged analogs of Facebook and have absolutely no restrictions on what we can do.
If you do not have enough funds to implement the concept, please contact us. We are ready to become your launch partners, co-investors and lenders.
Our benchmark is long-term cooperation and your worthy place in the online business.
Do you need a live social network with artificial intelligence and unlimited development potential?
Contact us!
This is an automatic translation.
Click here to read the publication in the original language.
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