Publication in the community "X Networks - IT aggregator No. 1"

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The future lies with social networks. And the future has arrived. Why exactly this way and not otherwise? Because users began not only to stay on sites longer (according to statistics, about 2 hours a day), but also to use them as search engines to select goods and services.


The main trends in the development of social networks.

  1. Feedback. An interesting situation happened with the Pinterest platform, which has always been perceived as a not too complicated photo gallery - now one of the most active sales funnels. Feedback, interactive is what contributes to business development in the best possible way. Every detail matters: every like, comment, message, support request creates a kind of "web" of feedback, which is extremely important for entrepreneurs.
  2. Interest-based content. Perhaps, Youtube set this trend, and everyone else picked it up: artificial intelligence helps the user to build a stream of content that is really needed and interesting.
  3. New priorities for SMM. This trend echoes the first: marketing is built on the interests and needs of the living user. This is much more convenient and effective than imposing an endless stream of offers on the audience. Now SMM is analyzing demand.
  4. Native advertising. If you want to be heard, speak, not broadcast. Get closer to your audience, take advantage of the opportunities of people who have already earned trust. Advertising must be presented in such a way that it is not considered an advertisement. Reviews and unpacks from bloggers are ideal. SMM marketing, according to statistics, is now confidently reaching the first positions in the advertising market.
  5. Social networks have become full-cycle sales tools. This is especially convenient for the reason that now there is no need to create a funnel with access to a website or online store, as before. Everything happens on-chain, including payment, arbitrage, and shipping.

In other words, a social network is a ready-made media campaign, regardless of what goals you are pursuing: commercial or social (for example, any charitable foundation simply cannot develop without a base in the form of a social network).

What needs to be done for your social network to gather tens of millions of audiences around the world? Less than you think.

  1. Decide on the topic and direction. Ideal if you are well versed in the subject matter.
  2. Draw up a detailed business plan with infographics, development prospects, investments and examples of successful analogues.
  3. If you want to create a social network as a media representation of a company, you should decide on its format based on the analysis of the target audience.
  4. Select an IT company that will undertake the development and promotion of the site.

Since 2014, X Networks has launched hundreds of successful international and industrial social networks.

Our social networks are created by analogy with the most successful models - Facebook, Twitter, etc., but I would like to note that the trend of our time is specialized social networks that provide you with a loyal audience.

The basis for the success of our projects is a wide pool of our own developments, including artificial intelligence and neural networks.

Social networks are implemented on the basis of the Qwerty Social Network Engine hardware and software complex - a horizontally scalable platform focused on millions of traffic.

Features of the QSNE platform:

  • Artificial intelligence as a personal assistant, support employee, business chat host, editor, translator and pre-moderator.
  • Multilevel security system with instant blocking of all types of hacker attacks and notifying providers of suspicious activity.
  • Support for more than 40 world languages with automatic translation into the user's language.
  • Built-in billing multicurrency payment system.
  • Aggressive data caching like Facebook. Page loading speed is a competitive advantage in search engines and among users.
  • Subscriptions, communities, friendliness, commercial and public groups, forums and blogs.
  • Cloud file storage built on the principle of Google Drive.

And much more!

The social network from X Networks is a full-fledged platform for communication and business communications.

We have been working in the IT field since 2001, and during this time we have brought to the market many successful startups in the industry. If you have created an interesting concept, but do not have enough funds to implement it, this is not a problem. We are ready to become your partners and co-investors, taking on up to 60% of the investment. There are also options for lending to large projects.

Having your own social network is the best way to make yourself known.

We are waiting for you at X Networks!

This is an automatic translation.
Click here to read the publication in the original language.