Publication in the community "X Networks - IT aggregator No. 1"

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Modern social networks are commercial resources, the requirements for which today significantly exceed all the criteria, even 5 years ago.


A social network that develops and generates income is:

Subject resource. Long gone are the days when social networks had the character of a "general orientation" - moreover, the first social networks, with the exception, probably, of LiveJournal, had a specific task or target audience: ClassMates,, etc. The next period was marked by a sharp rise Facebook and other giants, so now there is no point in trying to storm this niche. The best option is a professional social network or a platform of interest.

High tech. The social network generates such arrays of content that ordinary moderators cannot cope with them, as well as process millions of incoming requests from users. But artificial intelligence will do it easily and effortlessly - if, of course, you have it.

International scope. The audience should not have boundaries - neither territorial nor linguistic, except that legislative and moral and ethical norms must be observed. When planning to create a social network, pay attention to the platform's multilingualism.

Maximum level of security. A data leak is a reason for going to court, even for an ordinary blogger. And this is millions in losses and loss of reputation for the owner of a quality resource. Therefore, no free "engines"

How to choose a developer?

It's very simple - a company must deal specifically with social networks and have the appropriate server and technological potential for this.

IT-company X Networks is the only developer today who has created a software and hardware complex specifically for the implementation of complex high-load projects for business. The platform is called Qwerty Social Network Engine - since 2014 it has become a growth point for hundreds of successful portals and social networks.

Some facts about X Networks and its developments:

  • The IT environment and the Qwerty Social Network Engine hardware and software complex do not limit our clients in the implementation of the most complex concepts.
  • 20 years in IT. Initially, the priorities were information security and business process automation.
  • We actively participate in digital startups not only as contractors, but also as co-investors - because we are confident in the success of our projects.
  • We take particular care of the security of user data. Any hacking attempt is instantly blocked, and a notification is sent to the provider.
  • Artificial intelligence Qwerty AI allows you to create high-tech projects, performing the roles of a personal assistant, moderator, translator, aggregator and support employee.
  • Qwerty Neural Network - neural networks for solving various neurolinguistic problems. The result of these developments is the robot "Marat Gelman 3.0", created on the basis of artificial intelligence Qwerty AI.
  • The Qwerty AI messenger is a modern analogue of Whatsapp and Telegram with artificial intelligence capabilities, blocking protection and the ability to securely exchange encryption keys based on the Diffie-Hellman protocol.

Why are our social media successful?

It is provided by the potential of the Qwerty Social Networks Engine hardware and software complex.

Features of the QSNE platform:

  1. Unlimited horizontal scaling and customization features. The platform is designed for tens of millions of users.
  2. Support for more than 40 world languages. Artificial intelligence performs automatic translation of all types of content into the user's language, including messages and comments.
  3. Focus on personal data protection.
  4. Built-in billing payment system with arbitration of transactions, the ability to store funds on the balance sheet and settlements in both virtual and national currencies.
  5. Powerful search engine.
  6. Own messenger.
  7. Mail server with e-mail marketing capability.
  8. Convenient SMM tools
  9. Possibility of blogging, subscriptions, commercial and open communities, creating professional accounts.
  10. Cloud file storage similar to Google Drive.
  11. Aggressive data caching technologies based on the Facebook model.

And many many others.

 QSNE is a flexible, capacious and easily customizable platform designed for global reach and maximum commercialization of projects.

X Networks not only creates living modern social networks and actively invests in startups, but also invites co-investors to participate in such areas as Immortal People (digital immortality startup), (international social network dedicated to healthcare), Qwerty AI Messenger.

Cooperation with X Networks is a great future in the IT-sphere and not only!

Come for details!

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Click here to read the publication in the original language.

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