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Publication in the community "X Networks - IT aggregator No. 1"

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Online business, despite its relative "youth", is rapidly occupying a leading position in the global economy. Everything is different here: the formats, the audience, and the age of the startups themselves. The first million today can be earned as a teenager or as a student of yesterday: examples of this are Google, Facebook, etc.

So, Katherine Cook created her MyYearbook resource in less than 17 years, and in a year and a half, having grown an audience of 3 million a month, raised advertising revenue to 3 million dollars a year. And this is already a serious interest for venture investors. The field for growth is not limited by any boundaries at all. And there are hundreds of such examples.


Investing in network startups is one of the most profitable investments.

The most popular formats today:

  • Online investment funds.
  • Specialized social networks.
  • Large online stores and marketplaces.
  • Payment systems.
  • Blog platforms.
  • Information portals.
  • Educational portals and online schools.

Investment funds accumulate investors' funds using virtual payment systems and effectively use these investments: they invest in the stock market, real economic objects, etc. But this comes with a certain risk.

Investments in Internet projects are more reliable and promising, because a startup can take off quickly enough and bring serious profits.

But for this, pay attention to the following criteria:

  • Startup development prospects in numbers.
  • Having a really good innovative idea.
  • A team of specialists and decent technical support for the implementation of the project.

It is optimal to fund sites that bring together an international audience, as well as choose a topic in which you yourself are well versed or have experienced consultants.

Profitable investment of funds in online projects is a reality, but it is necessary to conduct a thorough business analysis of the resource and correctly assess its potential

The social business network is a project created for companies and individual entrepreneurs from around the world. On this site, you can search for partners, clients, vacancies, exchange contacts, communicate and receive up-to-date news from the world of finance.

In the "Startups" section, you can choose an interesting startup, as well as attract an investor to your project.

Investors should pay special attention to the international medical social network SocMedical. com , which aims to become a one-stop communication hub for those interested in health and health issues. The resource was created on the basis of the Qwerty Social Network Engine hardware and software complex and uses the capabilities of artificial intelligence. is one of the key projects of X Networks , which is part of the X Networks cluster of specialized social networks with single authorization and traffic exchange.

Tasks of the social network :

  • Creation of an international catalog of medical institutions and services.
  • Professional communities and accounts.
  • Formation of a register of specialists.
  • Providing technical capabilities for conducting video consultations and providing services online.
  • Creation of user communities, forums and groups.
  • Custom themed communities and groups.

The project will work in different languages of the world with automatic translation of information into the user's native language. This will significantly expand the audience's ability to find the necessary specialists and treatment methods, allowing members to go beyond their own country.

If you are planning to make a profitable and reliable investment on the Internet, contact X Networks . We create real projects for online businesses and are constantly developing in the field of artificial intelligence and neural networks.

You can read the details here.

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