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Publication in the community "X Networks - IT aggregator No. 1"

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 A startup (from English startup - starting) is a new project or solution based on actual scientific and technical discoveries, the implementation of which requires serious material investments. The second meaning of the term is a company or a team of specialists, authors and / or performers of such a project. 

Distinctive features of a startup:

  • Innovativeness. As a rule, the reason for the emergence of a startup is some unresolved problem or need that has not been properly met. This is why many startups are booming. The demand is already there, you just need to provide an offer.
  • High tech. This applies not only to the IT sphere, although it can be implemented in the most striking and large-scale. So, today everything related to ecology and "organic" is in vogue, respectively, a revolution can be made by a small company producing paint from natural materials.
  • High-class professionals (and / or geniuses). This is why the Facebook authors clearly did not study at the history department. To see the prospects for the development of the project, one must fully imagine in theory how it will work, and implement all the algorithms in practice. A good startup is an association of highly qualified specialists who work confidently in their idea and work for it.
  • Narrow focus. It is enough to solve a small problem of a huge group of people, and a startup will bring in millions.

You can be the author of such a solution yourself, or you can join successful projects that already exist.

Place your bets on the parameters listed above and you will definitely not lose.

X Networks - in the days of the future.

X Networks is hardly a startup. We have been engaged in information security and business automation since 2001 - a time when most Russian teenagers did not have computers yet.

As IT specialists with vast experience, we cannot stay away from the digitalization of all life processes and strive to be leaders in the field of high technologies and e-commerce.

That is why we create interesting and profitable products ourselves, and we also gladly support the authors of promising projects.
The concentration of our potential is the Qwerty Social Networks Engine hardware and software complex, which we developed in 2014. The goal of this startup was to close the urgent need for a powerful, capacious and easily customizable platform for large-scale web projects: international web resources and social networks.

Over the 6 years of its existence, Qwerty Social Networks Engine has become the basis for successfully developing social networks, blog platforms, information, educational and business portals.

The hardware and software complex works in more than 40 world languages, has a built-in multi-currency payment system, uses the capabilities of integrated artificial intelligence, is based on a developed server structure and has unlimited scalability and customization.

If you have decided to invest in a reliable startup that is already successfully working in practice, X Networks is pleased to introduce you to its current and future projects.

Here are some of them:

  • Hardware and software complex Qwerty Social Network Engine. We talked about it in detail above.
  • Qwerty Neural Network for solving complex neurolinguistic problems. An example is the digital robot "Marat Gelman 3.0" (guelman.ru), created on the basis of the artificial intelligence platform Qwerty AI.
  • Blog platform Qwerty.Blog since 2016 brings together bloggers from all over the world. Support for 47 world languages and automatic translation of content into the user's language allow network participants to communicate without a language barrier.
  • Social network vetworld.net. We have created this resource for those who love pets and work with them: breeders, owners, specialized organizations.
  • Business network https://b2bingo.com. A platform for communication and business communications of businessmen and people interested in commerce and finance.

We not only create artificial intelligence systems, specialized social networks, web portals and applications - we willingly invest in this area, because we know that it is the future. And this future has already arrived.

You can participate in the following startups:

  • Immortal People project. Investment startup in the field of "digital immortality". Based on the Qwerty Social Network Engine platform and Qwerty AI capabilities.
  • SocMedical project. A medical social network is being prepared for launch, which will allow people looking for useful information in the field of health and healthcare to communicate and access the international knowledge base, find experienced specialists and effective solutions, and receive online consultations without being limited to their country.
  • Qwerty AI Messenger project. Modern analogue of Whatsapp and Telegram with blocking protection, secure exchange of encryption keys based on the Diffie-Hellman protocol, integrated with artificial intelligence.

And these are just a few examples: development is ongoing!

Thanks to our experience in the field of web technologies and the power of the Qwerty Social Network Engine platform, we can implement a project of any complexity and any level of ambition.

X Networks is waiting for you: become the leader in e-commerce!

This is an automatic translation.
Click here to read the publication in the original language.