Top 5 Social Media Billionaires: Why Not Become One?
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The phenomenon of social networks appeared as if out of nowhere, but firmly and for a long time became a part of the life of our civilization. The preconditions for the appearance of this phenomenon, of course, were. The most valuable and irreplaceable resource is time. Social networks allow you to save this resource as efficiently as nothing else. Most of the tasks are solved without moving in space, travel costs, consumables (for example, paper for letters), the cost of paying for telephone calls, etc. In addition, social networks have given people unlimited opportunities to communicate on any issue, whether it is making a purchase decision before everyday conversations.
On the other hand, the social network itself has become a valuable business tool. Now you can sell anything on the network, without the cost of maintaining staff, space, warehouses, and transportation of bulky goods. Messengers provide instant communication with the customer, payment systems enable quick and easy settlements, and the structure of the social network allows you to develop your business, taking into account the preferences of the target audience. A social network can generate income for its owner simply by the very fact of its existence, even if the owner is not engaged in any business. Let's take a look at the example of the largest social networks in our reality:
The idea of Mark Zuckerberg, the son of ordinary doctors, to create a network for students to communicate, made him a billionaire. There are 2 billion people on the Internet today. Daily active audience - 720 million people. 93% of marketers use this network to promote their brands. Facebook is worth more than $ 50 billion. Zuckerberg is one of the five richest and most influential people on the planet.
A network that allows users to send each other short messages of up to 140 characters. The network was created in 2006. Today its users are half a billion people all over the world. The creator is Jack Dorsey, according to last year, his personal fortune exceeds $ 5 billion.
The third most popular social network that unites people with professional interests. Founded in 2002, by 2019 there are about 500 million registered users on the site from 200 countries and 150 industries. In 2016, Microsoft acquired the site for $ 26.2 billion. In Russia, however, this resource is blocked by order of Roskomnadzor.
It is a social network for creative people used to collect, store and share information. Photo hosting is one of the top 5 social networking giants. The users liked the Pins so much that the site's audience exceeds 50 million users. 90% of them admitted to using this network for shopping planning. It is, according to experts, the most real competitor of Facebook.
An application with elements of a social network, "sharpened" for content in the form of photos and high quality images. Created by Mike Krieger and Kevin Systre, launched in 2010. In 2017, the network made a profit of about $ 3 billion from global advertising alone.
In total, there are nine social networks in the world with over 100 million active users. And about a hundred more with more modest indicators in terms of the number of accounts. Networks are multiplying and expanding. Some do not live even a week, and some shoot out immediately and instantly become millionaires, making millionaires and their owners. For example, the Chinese Tik Tok network for recording short videos. Launched in 2018, today it has 500 million users from 150 countries.
Owners of successful social networks are simply doomed to fame, wealth, how much and respect. If you have a solid idea for creating another social network, you should pay special attention to the choice of the technological component of its implementation. For example, take a closer look at the offer of the company "X Networks" - Qwerty Social Network Engine , a special platform for the creation and development of powerful, high-load, horizontally scalable projects, including social networks.
Qwerty Social Network Engine is a software and hardware complex for building and launching social networks, mobile applications, systems based on artificial intelligence, on the basis of which international specialized portals, social networks, dating sites have already been launched and are successfully operating. For example, the blogging platform, a direct competitor to LiveJournal, operates in 47 languages, where hundreds of new users register daily. Or the social business network Dozens of major portals, as well as social networks around the world have been launched on this platform.
QSNE makes it possible to create multilingual social networks (including specialized ones) that meet high reliability and security criteria, capable of withstanding the load of colossal traffic. Which is the most important thing when choosing a technological solution when implementing the idea of a social network.
The company offers not only services, but also mutually beneficial terms of cooperation - co-financing of interesting projects!
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