AliExpress „přivezl“ do Ruska největší internetový obchod v Číně
AliExpress has "brought" to Russia the site of Tmall, one of the leaders of Internet commerce in China and one of the most popular sites in the world. Now the Chinese can not only sell cheap goods in Russia, but also occupy a niche of premium brands.
AliExpress, a member of the Alibaba Group, will present in Russia another division of the Chinese corporation - the online store Tmall. The launch inside the AliExpress platform (Tmall in Russia will be located on the AliExpress domain so far) will be held on Thursday morning, September 28. About this RBC told a source in the e-commerce market and confirmed the director for the development of AliExpress in Russia, Mark Zavadsky. He said that on Thursday, a pilot-project launch will take place, the official opening of the Internet site is scheduled for mid-October.
Tmall appeared in 2008 as part of the Taobao online store, as well as AliExpress, which is part of Alibaba Group, and in 2010 received a separate domain - The concepts at the sites are different: Taobao, like AliExpress until last year, specializes in c2s-sales (the seller and buyer are individuals or small companies), Tmall - on sales of b2c (large brands sell their goods to consumers). Different from the sites and the approach to the assortment - Tmall focuses on goods of middle and higher price segments, including luxury destinations.
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