Publication in the community "X Networks - IT aggregator No. 1"

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Automation of all life processes is no longer the future, but the present. And artificial intelligence helps a person in all spheres of life: in medicine, business, travel, education, etc.

Well-known IT companies are constantly improving in the development of artificial intelligence systems, and the results are becoming more and more impressive every year /


Today we are going to talk about some interesting services on artificial intelligence sites.

  1. Coloring black and white photos. Send a monochrome original to the AI, and it gives you a frame in vibrant colors. Awesome opportunity to revive family albums without too much difficulty.
  2. Himself an artist. One of Google's free editing tools takes your drawing, analyzes it, and turns it into a professional one in a matter of seconds. This, of course, is not prestigious if you are really an artist, but for the design of sites or a blog, it is a great solution.
  3. Finally - normal presentations! Artificial Intelligence analyzes your slides and offers you truly stylish presentation designs. At the same time, you can calmly create, and AI will then correct and optimize everything. Just a dream!
  4. Photo scaling. And again, the long-awaited solution to the sore problem, proposed by Ukrainian developers. The neural network is trained on hundreds of thousands of images and improves low-quality or enlarged photos, bringing them to perfection. Also, the service can make photos realistic, independently deal with noise, compression flaws, etc.
  5. Track creation. To become a composer, now you do not need to study for many years at the conservatory. You simply choose the tempo, the instruments you want, the length of the song, the genre and the mood. Your creative assistant will handle the rest. If the result of the work does not suit you, send the track for revision.
  6. Stories from a photo. So far, only the AI service from Microsoft can do this. He studies photography, analyzes objects and situations, and creates a story from the study.
  7. Voice assistants. They're getting smarter and smarter. Unlike humans, artificial intelligence is not able to forget everything that it has learned, so its capabilities are only growing every minute. This interlocutor never reaches into his pocket for a word and helps you both in business and in raising your spirits.

Do not think that each service will have to be looked for separately - the trends in the digital sphere are such that developments are combined and turned into systems.

Any IT company that develops in this area is able to share the not-so-interesting capabilities of its digital robots.

AI websites are at the pinnacle of web development because there is no equal in the AI business:

  • It replaces personal consultants.
  • Solves a lot of customer issues as a technical support employee.
  • Remembers all the necessary information and constantly expands the knowledge base.
  • Automatically ranks relevant publications, providing users with the information they need.
  • Translates content into the user's language, helping audiences from different countries communicate with you and among themselves without a language barrier.
  • This is an ideal employee without nerves, vacations, sleep and rest breaks, taxes and salaries.

If you decide to order website development, choose a site with artificial intelligence.

Qwerty Networks Company implements complex projects highly loaded with artificial intelligence in 2014, and unlimited scalability.

Our systems can do everything!

The Qwerty Web Engine content management system was created taking into account all the wishes for modern sites, namely:

  1. Powered by artificial intelligence.
  2. Supports 47 languages of the world.
  3. Has the option of a built-in payment system with support for both national and virtual currencies.
  4. Protected from hacker attacks by a multi-layered testing and security system.
  5. Allows you to create the fastest and most productive sites thanks to aggressive data caching technology and adaptive versions.
  6. Allows you to implement not only online stores, but also full-fledged marketplaces.
  7. Has its own search engine, cloud file storage, mail server and smart messenger with business chats.

Websites with artificial intelligence from X Networks are not limited in their capabilities!

The company actively supports digital startups and has brought dozens of social networks, web portals, online projects, etc. to the global market.

If you are planning to launch a large project, we are ready to become your partner and co-investor.

Contact us - we will discuss everything!

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